Issue 102: No learner left behind 🙅
This week we are continuing our coverage of the research study commissioned by Intellum. Today, we focus on answering the question:
- Do companies using platforms built to educate multiple audiences experience more positive business outcomes than those using platforms built to educate only one?
We're also flashing back to a previously featured research about workplace learning and the difference between formal, informal and non-formal learning. Specifically tackling the question:
- How can we optimize informal workplace learning?
A major pain point for organizations delivering education programs company-wide, is a redundant tech-stack. Some also scramble between multiple Google docs and slides in an effort to keep track of employee completion and/or customer retention.
In Intellum's recent study of workplace education, it was found that companies using a platform built to educate multiple audiences experience far more positive business outcomes. But how much more?
61% of companies that selected “platform built to educate multiple audiences” experienced improved customer retention compared to 32% of companies that selected “platform built to educate customers only.”
Organizational education platforms built to educate multiple audiences outperformed learning management systems (LMSes) built to educate employees only. Migrating customer and employee education to a single organizational education platform reduces operating costs and consolidates systems.
Key Takeaway(s): While it may seem like a daunting (and costly) task in the beginning, it makes good business sense to migrate to a holistic organizational education platform that can serve all audiences an organization wishes to educate.
Read More (Open): Transforming Organizational Education Initiatives from Cost Center to Profit Center
Formal, Non-formal, Informal OH MY! 🤯
Much of the learning we do these days is formal or non-formal. Formal being organized and structured with learning objectives and the latter taking place outside formal learning environments but within some kind of organizational framework.
You may be asking: What about informal learning?
Researchers don’t always agree on the exact definitions of these types, most of them do agree on three things:
- The majority of the learning that adults engage in is of the informal type
- Informal learning in the workplace is crucial for the success of the employee and the organization
- Self-regulated learning (SRL) is key to the success of informal learning.
Learning professionals can optimize informal workplace learning by encouraging employees to engage in self-regulated learning, providing feedback, enabling autonomous work, and establishing a strong organizational learning culture.
Read more from this article here!
Pets of Learning Science Weekly
This week we’re featuring Buttercup coming all the way from the Windy City of Chicago! Our reader, Alex Y, named her after the character in Princess Bride. Along with her sweet demeanor, she “obeys commands like shaking paws when I say "as you wish." If that wasn’t cute enough, she also “raises one ear to hear” and “doesn’t shed any hair."
That’s definitely one cool pup! 😎
CLICK HERE to send us your pet pics.
Wondering why we’re including animal photos in a learning science newsletter? It may seem weird, we admit. But we’re banking on the baby schema effect and the “power of Kawaii.” So, send us your cute pet pics -- you’re helping us all learn better!
The LSW Crew
Learning Science Weekly is written and edited through collaboration of Intellum content and learning science teams.
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