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We’re back this week featuring more from the research commissioned by Intellum. Today we’ll be focusing on whether or not designating a program owner effects the outcome of an Organizational Education program. Specifically answering the question:

  • Since beginning your education initiative, what business outcomes have your company experienced, if any?

For our throwback article we are revisiting research that focuses on the question:

  • How do notifications impact learning?

Who Sits on the Throne? đź‘‘

When creating a new customer education initiative, businesses want to be sure their customers are equipped with everything they need to be successful.

When there is not a clear program owner to ensure the successful execution of the education strategy, content might get duplicated. This may cause confusion for customers because they might not be sure what source to turn to when they need help.

In Intellum’s recent study of customer retention, it was found that companies with no clear education program owner are 22% less likely to experience improved customer retention. The same was also true for employee retention.

Key Takeaway(s): Take the time to assign a program owner over your education initiative to ensure a holistic education strategy and seamless execution. Your customers will thank you by continuing to renew.

Read More (Open): Transforming Organizational Education Initiatives from Cost Center to Profit Center

Silence the Noise🔕

Email dings. Meeting chimes. Message chirps. These are just some of the things we hear at work throughout the day.

Researchers determined auditory distractions have the potential to slow your learning and require more effort to stay focused (Rau et al., 2020). It was found that this specific type of distraction was the most disruptive for learners, compared to visual distractions (like pop-up notifications) or tactile ones (like a vibrating phone).

When engaging in intentional learning or reading, it’s best to mute all notifications to be sure you are truly focused!

Key Takeaway(s): Based on this study, you’d be better off muting notifications when engaging in intentional learning, reading, or other activity that requires focus. (And, you may consider giving the same advice to your learners.)

Read More ($): Rau, P.L.P., Zheng, J., & Wei, Y. (2020). Distractive effect of multimodal information in multisensory learning. Computers & Education, 144.

Pets of Learning Science Weekly

This week we’re featuring Rosie, a rescue dog from our reader, Eric M. Eric states she “oscillates between wild and asleep.” When she is sleeping “her favorite spot is the garden.” The garden does look like a nice napping spot. Thanks for sharing, Eric!

CLICK HERE to send us your pet pics.

Wondering why we’re including animal photos in a learning science newsletter? It may seem weird, we admit. But we’re banking on the baby schema effect and the “power of Kawaii.” So, send us your cute pet pics -- you’re helping us all learn better!

The LSW Crew

Learning Science Weekly is written and edited through collaboration of the Intellum content and learning science teams.

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